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2013 Machu Picchu tickets
Michael Shields.
2012년 12월 03일, 19:19

Good day, can you tell me when the tickets for January 2013 will be released?

Re: 2013 Machu Picchu tickets
Messages: 825
2012년 12월 03일, 22:23

Good evening,

Thank you for your email.

We don't know yet when they will be going to be sold because it depends on the Ministry of Culture. As we explain on our website, tickets are sold by season and the season goes from January 1st to December 31st. Usually, the date to start purchasing is around December 20th. If you want,__you can subscribe to be informed once sales for next season will start. Please enter this page http://www.ticket-machupicchu.com/dispo/index.php?lg=en and subscribe.

Best regards,

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